Enable/Disable device in an automation

I’d like to do an automation that disables or enables a specific device.
Use case: If Shelly actor is switched off, disable the device in HA. If Shelly is switched on enable the device.
Cannot find any lead on how to disable/enable a device “automatically”. Any leads welcome! Happy holidays :fireworks: :champagne: :sparkler:

The Spook custom integration includes actions to enable and disable devices.

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Check out Spook. Edit: @Didgeridrew beat me to it :slight_smile:

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Can you be more specific/give details in an actual rather than “genric” use case? Shelly does not have any product named “Shelly actor” as far as I know…?

Shelly Plug, respectively once testet a Shelly 1 Mini Gen.3 behind the power jack.
Am already on the Spook… Just a bit distracted by the family over the holidays :face_with_peeking_eye::pray:t2: