Enable shifting the default view to another tab

As someone who is tinkering with HA on a daily basis and learning as I go, it would be great if I could create a wife friendly default view that only has a few entities in it without affecting the catch-all benefit of the default view. When I add automations, scripts and devices, it’s important to have these automatically appear on the GUI so I can test them and then decide whether to hide them, group them or customize their look.

As it stands, I can of course create a new default view which I’ve done but then the catch-all benefit disappears which makes it a lot more cumbersome to manage all your entities as you move forward.


Have you tried creating a new view and add all groups ‘group.all_*’ in it, as well as adding the property hidden: false for it under customize_glob?

When you create your own default_view these groups are all hidden by default.

Let us know how it goes.

Thanks. This is clearly wrong as reading between the lines and does not work so any pointers would be appreciated.

  name: Diagnostics
  view: yes
    - group.all_devices
## GROUPS ##
  - group.all_automations
  - group.all_devices
  - group.all_lights
  - group.all_remotes
  - group.all_scripts
  - group.all_switches

#Customize entities matching a pattern
      hidden: false
      icon: mdi:description

Sorry for the misreading.
I’ll still refrain myself from trying to help you again in the future, as it was just what I was trying to do.

Good luck with that.

you can actuallt make a tab, and then go to that tab on the mobile, before i save it as a app. Then the app will start on that tab when you open it.

@pplucky My apologies. My statement “This is clearly wrong” was not well worded. What I meant was I clearly have done something wrong as I don’t really know what I’m doing with the customize_glob section. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I have a tab now as the grouping section looks like it worked (no errors) but the customize.yaml (as I’ve typed it) throws up errors and I have nothing visible in my “diagnostics” tab.

@anon34799704 That’s a great tip, thank you.

I think this is a duplicate feature request of