Enabled Matter (worked well) but lost access to LeakSmart (Zigbee)

Running HA on a Raspberry Pi 4b with the Skyconnect dongle. Replaced some Nanoleaf bulbs with matter based ones and they connected well via Apple Home and then I was presented with an option to enable Matter in HA after it discovered them. The bulbs connected and all went well.

However, I have since lost access to my LeakSmart Zigbee valve. Other Zigbee sensors seem fine. When I check history, it appears to have dropped out at the same time that the matter went online.

I don’t see anything in logs other than a warning that Zigbee channel 20 utilization is at 88.7% (only have 16 Zigbee devices).

Clicking on Zigbee Home Automation, I see Integration entries as SkyConnect v1.0 with 16 devices and 173 entities and then a CONFIGURE link

If I click on Devices - Waxman Leaksmart, I see the Switch is greyed out and there is a Reconfigure link option.

Appreciate any guidance on getting this back up.


Did you try to re-pair it ?

Not yet (d’oh).

At work now and seeing reconfigure on there made me wonder if I needed to do something with the SkyConnect dongle after enabling Matter.

All set. Powered off HA. Removed the power and batteries from the LeakSmart. Powered on HA then added battery to LeakSmart. In ZHA added device and it was back instantly.

In hindsight likely didn’t need to power off anything…