Enclosure to buy for esp8266?

What do you guys use for enclosures for your boards?
I’m looking for a way to mount into some box to protect an esp8266, and I don’t have a 3d printer. What kind of solutions do you use?

Back in 2017 I bought about 8 of these from eBay, does really help as they the seller doesn’t have any any more.
“Project plastic box enclosure case E94P/W”

They fit a nodemcuV3 with male pins on the board, they allow a little room to plug a cable on to the headers.

I bought a bunch of these for my temp/humidity sensors:


There are other sizes and black versions available.

I used a couple of these from amazon:

They fit a nodemcu nicely with plenty of room to spare for other components.

Here is a picture of it for a Smoker temp sensor that I made:

the perf-board I used is 6x8cm and fits pretty well with a bit of trimming with a dremel.

Thanks all of you. The perf board actually has another advantage that I don’t mind putting screws through it to mount to the box.