Encode a decoded air conditioner remote and then send IR

Looking for someone can help me. I’ve recorded with lirc and decoded my Air Conditioner remote, but don’t know how proceed now.
I’m able to output a string of 1 and 0 matching the configuration I want (temp, mode, fan speed, etc). How can i convert this string into a IR signal?
As you know, every time a button is pressed to the remote, all configuration is sent to the main unit, so cannot write a configuration file for lirc (cannot write a raw signal for every combination of configuration variables into the config file, there must be something simple and quick to do).

Also, need to calc the checksum that is the sum of bytes mod 256 (found a matching output here https://www.scadacore.com/tools/programming-calculators/online-checksum-calculator/) in this mode:
reverse the bytes -> appy checksum -> reverse the checksum

Many thanks

                                                onoff  MODE     TEMP     FANPOS
                                                |      |||      |||||    +++|||                                       CHECKSUM
[11000100 11010011 01100100 10000000 00000001 00100100 11000000 00010000 00010010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00110000]

Temp: value in celsius -> convert to binary -> reverse -> apply not (negation)
Pos: value from 1 to 5 -> convert to binary -> reverse (000 auto | 111 swing)
OnOff: 1 on 0 off
Fan: value from 1 to 3 -> convert to binary -> reverse (000 auto)
Mode: 110 cool | 010 deum | 111 fan only | 100 heat | 000 auto


11000100 11010011 01100100 10000000 00000001 00100100 11000000 00010000 00010010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

reversed (online)

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01001000 00001000 00000011 00100100 10000000 00000001 00100110 11001011 00100011

converted to hex (online)


then, checksum from the link above (the result Checksum8 mod 256 is 0C = 00001100 wich match the checksum of the decoded signal when reversed to 00110000)
