Enelogic energy monitoring support (The Netherlands)

Enelogic is a Dutch platform for energy usage monitoring (electricity and gas). Most Dutch people nowadays have a smart meter (“slimme meter”) that uploads this information over 2G/GPRS. Enelogic can be given permission to use this information. Since it requires no extra hardware (the smart meter is installed in every household for free), it’s a very easy solution. They have an API, and I think users can easily register their own API keys. I think this would be a very convenient way to monitor energy usage for Dutch people without buying and configuring extra hardware.

Note that Home Assistant already offers a component that requires extra hardware to monitor the smart meter directly through the P1 port, which is a very nice solution for live monitoring. The main difference is the hardware that is required for this to work.

Other topic about the smart meter (with extra hardware). Enelogic home page (Dutch).

Did you find a way to integrate your Enelogic data with the API? I have an Api too, but couldn’t find a way to connect…

This would be a really interesting solution! I have a garage that has a smart meter (electricity only) but doesn’t have internet access so this route would be perfect.

I’ve setup the API and am able to get the values of the smart meter in a JSON (Google Playgrounds output):

This documentation states what the ‘180’ and ‘280’ values mean:

From there on, a scrape sensor (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/scrape/) is able to extract the correct values. However, to get it to work you need to adjust the URL with the date. I do not have enough coding experience to create a script that inserts the ‘current day -1’ (because there is a day of lag between the measurements and availability for free accounts) in a YYYY-MM-DD format in the URL.

Does anyone know how to go about this?

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Did anyone got this to work somehow?


I think this would still be a neat option to implement, the API is still around but like @Emacee above I do not have the programming skills to make this… Any1?

Sounds you like something like this:

I’m also interested in this.
Do you really need a scrape sensor? I think you can extract the values from the JSON with a template sensor.