Energenie and Raspberry Pi

A friend has given me a raspberry pi 3 with some kind of RF board , ENER314-RT. I’ve googled this and it appears that the Pi can control any number of Energenie devices, although via “Python”.

The only python i know would crush my pet rabbit if it has a chance, so with that b mind, is there a nice clean GUI in hass.io or something else that i can simply install and configure without having to be proficient in python or any other jungle beast?

thank you

Native 433MHZ rf control of sockets like Energenie is easily possible with the Pi RF integration


As long as you can work out which GPIO pins from that board are being used it should be quite simple. You would need a decent receiver to capture the codes to transmit as well.

Update - looking at their python file it looks as if they use multiple GPIO pins on this board. You may as well just buy a 433MHZ receiver and transmitter and use this integration to control them without the board.

thank you Sir
i am not a computer programmer not do i understand how hass.io works, in have yet to install it but hope there is a gui to guide me? i the only python i know is a snake?
can you explain in layman terms please.

You do not need to know python at all. Install hassio first then come back here when you are ready.