Energy board - Missing month data in year overview

when I look on my yearly Energy overview, I can see March data are missing. But if I look on monthly overview Feb data are here and correct. Any idea how to get March data in year overview too? When I look in detail to the monthly April data, there are different data in yearly overview .vs. monthly overview (yearly data shows lower values than I can see on monthly overview. It looks like a data inconsistency what is showed yearly/monthly.

Why are you looking in Feb if March is the missing month?

The monthly overview is for all the days shown in the month. The yearly overview is for all the months shown.

Not what I’m seeing in your screen-shot. The yearly data is considerably larger. e.g. 1.8MWh imported for the year, 390kWh imported for the month.

I’m looking for the March data (sorry for wrong Feb in original text). When you look on my year overview, you will find missing bar for March data (first picture). But I can see March data when I switch to monthly view. So March data are available, but not shown in the year view.

But I checked it again now and the March data are back. I did not changes in HA, so it looks like not complete data were selected before. What is interesting, the low carbon energy import is significantly lower that before in the year overview (green leaf icon).

I have tried again and data for March are missing again. It looks like a problem in the db. Is there any possibility to check, if the database is corrupted or there is a another problem?

If the database is corrupt you will have errors related to it in your logs.

InfluxDB shows no alerts in past 30 days.

InfluxDB is not your recorder database.

Hello, i have the same problem. One HA not displayed marz in year 2023 and now in year 2024. I have second HA, from marz 2024, this HA also not displayd marz in energy panel.
there is always a lack of graphic display in the annual report. Otherwise, the data for the month of March are fine

in the annual report, March is graphically displayed in April

Same here

It seems to be out of the blue (or an April joke :thinking:) as I did not make any changes in the corresponding configuration previously.

Hi @milmat72 , @Martin_Vavera
I have had same issue on my HAOS on Proxmox VM and not on my friend’s HAOS on Raspi and other friend’s HA Core on Raspi Debian. So I was thinking where can be difference, so I went thru setting and I found out only difference is language setting on my HAOS. My HAOS was with Czech in Settings>System>General and other with English… So I switched it to English and it works OK! I tried to switch it back and March is still there… So I hope this will help you :wink: