I have just been checking and I found one of my Node-RED entity nodes (for energy counter) had the state class and device class around the wrong way. This did not stop it working, but it did mean that the energy dashboard did not find the entity when I was trying to add it.
I changed the state class to ‘measurement’ and device class to ‘energy’, but I had to disable the entity, redeploy the flow which removed the entity from HA, then change the state and device classes, then re-enable the node, then redeploy the flow, then trigger the node with a payload. This re-registered the node and updated the state. Now I can see the entity with the correct state class and device class.
I can also confirm that I can now see this entity in the selection list for the energy dashboard settings. The state class can be total or total_increasing or measurement, but the device class must be ‘energy’.
In your case I now wonder if the energy dashboard setting has become corrupt.
You created a Node-RED HA entity node, EnergyAcc, but with sensor.power as the state class. You added this to the energy dashboard (the device class was energy so it was found), and this must have then broken the energy dashboard with a state class of ‘sensor.power’. Somehow an entity called ‘sensor.power’ has been created, or a false entity called ‘sensor.power’ added to the entity list, within the energy dashboard.
You have disabled the Node-RED node and deployed the flow, which should have removed the old entity. You can no longer see ‘sensor.power’ or ‘EnergyAcc’ in the list.
You have checked settings >> entities and can’t see either entity
You have checked developer tools > states and can’t see either entity
You have checked settings > integrations > Node RED > entities and can’t see either
you have restarted Node RED and HA
The issue is that the settings > dashboard > energy dashboard > add consumption/solar/etc just shows the one entity sensor.power (which does not exist)?
I am guessing that the energy dashboard (setting file) has become corrupt.
I found:
So I looked in my config folder. One of the hidden folders is ‘.storage’, and in there is a file ‘energy’ which, editing with notepad or text editor, shows up as a JS dictionary with all the configuration settings for my energy dashboard.
Part of this is
"version": 1,
"minor_version": 1,
"key": "energy",
"data": {
"energy_sources": [
"type": "grid",
"flow_from": [
"stat_energy_from": "sensor.grid_energy_import",
"stat_cost": null,
"entity_energy_from": "sensor.grid_energy_import",
"entity_energy_price": null,
"number_energy_price": 0.274
"flow_to": [
"stat_energy_to": "sensor.grid_energy_export",
"stat_compensation": null,
"entity_energy_to": "sensor.grid_energy_export",
"entity_energy_price": null,
"number_energy_price": 0.075
"cost_adjustment_day": 0.0
"type": "battery",
"stat_energy_from": "sensor.mb_e_from_battery",
"stat_energy_to": "sensor.mb_e_to_battery"
My energy dashboard is set up with ‘consumption from grid’ as ‘sensor.grid_energy_import’, and the ‘export to grid’ (solar) is ‘sensor.grid_energy_export’
After that I have set up a battery system with from/to battery energy, and then there is gas and solar and other bits.
I hope that this is enough for you to be able to find and check you energy dashboard setting file, and if you find a ‘sensor.power’ in the setting for the ‘entity_energ_from’ field then we will know that this is the file that has become corrupt, and hopefully you will be able to edit it or remove it or restore it (just take a backup FIRST!).
I hope that helps, otherwise I am out of ideas.
Good luck.
The whole thread about resetting energy configuration:
How to delete energy configuration and start again