I’m using a older type of Inverter which only communicate through RS485 with a Linux commandline tool.
I’m trying to get the sensor working, where I use a Python script to push the commandline data to MQTT, catch that with a HA MQTT sensor and convert that sensor with a Template Sensor so I can set last_reset and such attributes.
The MQTT data is received by HA and I can convert that sensor with the needed attributes to a modern Template Sensor, but still I don’t see any solar data showing up in the energy dashboard.
No I’m focussing on the data I receive.
Should it be the current solar power produced by the inverter of a cum. daily total or a overall inverter total?
- Current Power: 1,153kW
- Daily Production: 13,542kWh
- Overall Production: 34123,200kWh
And should it be 1,153kW or 1.153kW (notice the " . " or " , ")?
And should is a .3float be forced or is 1,100kW and 1,1kW of 1.100kW and 1.1kW in all cases working?
Totally lost and can’t find any docs. on how it should or must work…