Energy Card Oil consumption in addition to gas consumption

I’m using an oilfox device to monitor my oil tank and thanks to the oilfox integration I have a measurement namend “Oilfox_energy consumption” available. It creates correct kwH amounts per day (1L Oil= 9,8 kWh). I’m absolutely happy with this. Right now I added this entity as gas consumption in the energy card.

Would it be possible to add also Oil consumption to the energy card or, much better, to make the naming field changeable (normally one has only gas or oil, so no need for two subcards). So one can choose to name it with gas, oil, H2O (any other possible sources?)
energy card entity

Not sure who if the devs read this but I would step away from a specific energy-product setup and allow a generic appaorch. Let the user decide what type (attribute) of energu integration it could be, gas, pellets, oil, etc.