Hello guys,
I’ve recently bought an electric boiler for the kitchen which supplies boiled water instantly and also used for a hot water.
So I’m wondering does it make sense to make a schedule for switching it on and off. For example hot water is not used in the night so maybe I can switch it off and put back on around 5:30am when I still have a night tariff. But I found the information that sometimes keeping temperature is better than heating. Thinking about that I want to make an experiment to keep temperature for a week or two and do the same, but switch it off for the night. And then compare consumption.
I have Fibaro zwave outlet and it seems like it can report the consumption. I’m a little bit lost how to store the historic data. I don’t need anything fancy like graphs and alerts, just a simple sum by last 2 weeks.
Any suggestion for a “5 minutes craft” ?
You can use a utility meter for this.
Note you will need to use the kWh reading from the fibaro
There is also an integration sensor although I have never used it.