Energy Consumption Monitoring with Southern Company

Hi there Home Assistant community. I’ve been trying to get energy consumption set up with my state’s power company (Alabama Power, owned by Southern Company).

The meter that was provided with my house is not a smart meter and does not have a way of reading energy consumption stats as far as I can tell. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any sort of Southern Company power monitoring set up and how you did it if you did. Thanks.

Did you ever get anything setup? I just started on my HomeAssistant journey, but I would be interested to know if you or anyone else has had success working with Alabama Power.

I’ve been using Southern Company HACS for the last couple of months and it has worked all right. Since Alabama Power doesn’t display hourly power usage on their site and API, you can’t really integrate it with the Energy dashboard. I created 3 tile cards in a grid to show the power statistics.