Energy consumption - something missing? (Shelly EM)

I just soved some problems adding a new Shelly EM to my home electric panel. Now something is weird (look at the attached screenshots):

  • my contract allows 3KW, but in Home Assistant I’m reading a real time 18,5 kWh consumption (while Shelly app shows the correct value, look a tthe attached image).

  • I placed the two Ampere meters on the main switch wire: one before the switch (electricity coming from the counter), the second sensor on the output wire (from the switch to the other home switches): why the sensors read highly different values?

Also, I added the Shelly EM to the Energy panel, but it doesn’t show values.
Could you please help me solving these issues?


One is power and one consumption, consumption is power multiplied by time

Can you post good photo of that setup?