Energy: cost calculation goes mad?

I have my electricity meter sending data to HA using a zigbee device
Two days ago the connection got disturbed which I repaired yesterday, I only used Z2M and repaired, the name of the sensor was the same all the time.
My energy dashboard of course shows a gap but the overall consumption is correct.
Not for the costs though…my original cost sensor was sensor.linky_base_cost and it now started to create adaptations sensor.linky_base_cost_1, sensor.linky_base_cost_2, sensor.linky_base_cost_3, sensor.linky_base_cost_4 and sensor.linky_base_cost_5. The last one was created at midnight this morning. The energy dashboard seems to pick the last value so shwoing (almost) nothing.

Does anyone know why this happens? Is there a good way to repair this ?