Hello all
This is the first time I am working with the Energy Dashboard and I got a few things that are not clear to me yet.
My main goals are:
- Measure the Photovoltaics/Battery/Grid metrics in the Energy Dashboard
- Measure some individual devices / circuits in the Energy Dashboard
- Export the data with the Prometheus
Hardware-wise I have:
- E3DC Inverter + Batteries
- Emporia Vue2 with ESPHome
The following is what I already have achieved:
- Read all data from E3DC via Modbus/TCP for current values and also some as Riemann-Sum Integral. My configuration for this is here: config
- Added those integration metrics to the energy dashboard
- Added the Emporia Vue2 metrics to the energy dashboard
- Export the current values and the Riemann-Sum Integrals to Prometheus.
I think this is so far fairly good. Now where I am struggling a bit is with the Prometheus export values and corresponding Grafana boards.
I am exporting the current values (eg. current Watt total usage for the house) and the sum of it (kWh). The sum is continuous so it is ever-growing. What I would instead (or also) like is a “daily” usage. Like in the Energy Dashboard. Is there a way to export those values? Or should I “reset” the Riemann-Sum Integrals daily somehow? Or should I create additional “Utility Meter” Sensors for daily / weekly / monthly usage?
Also I am still struggling with an individual device measurement that is somehow not tracked correctly (the data from the previous day is taken as initial value for the next day, see Energy Dashboard Device is not correctly reset on next day - #2 by Roemer)
Thank you for giving me hints for the best approach.