Energy Dashboard - CO2 integration isn't showing up anymore

Any one else having this issue? Since the new Energy dashboard I had the CO2 integration installed and it was showing nicely, but for the last couple of days it’s not showing up anymore.

Already reloaded the integration a few times.

Should be fixed now

Could you elaborate a bit more please, as I still have the issue.
Do I need to reload the integration again, or is it fixed in the new release as soon as it comes available?

Had the same problems, but a reload of the integration today fixed the problem for now.

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same here!


“CO2 Signal” Integration is set up and the two sensor “CO2 intensity” and “Grid Fossile fuel percentage” are available.

Hi Daniel,

CO2 Signal wasn’t working since some weeks, so I made some quick tests, I live in Italy:

curl '' -H 'auth-token: 5da9XXXXXXXXX'                                                                                                                                               

{"error":"Unknown server error"}
curl '' -H 'auth-token: 5daXXXXXXXXXX'

{"_disclaimer":"This data is the exclusive property of Tomorrow and/or related parties. If you're in doubt about your rights to use this data, please contact [email protected]","status":"ok","countryCode":"IT","data":{"fossilFuelPercentage":null},"units":{"carbonIntensity":"gCO2eq/kWh"}}

So I tried Spain as country,and it works:

curl '' -H 'auth-token: 5daXXXXXXXXXX'

{"_disclaimer":"This data is the exclusive property of Tomorrow and/or related parties. If you're in doubt about your rights to use this data, please contact [email protected]","status":"ok","countryCode":"ES","data":{"datetime":"2021-12-30T08:00:00.000Z","carbonIntensity":177,"fossilFuelPercentage":27.42},"units":{"carbonIntensity":"gCO2eq/kWh"}}

Do you know if they have issues for some counties? How can I contact them?



UPDATE: if I use the specific zone (Italy is divided in zones in their db, eg: electricityMap | Live CO₂ emissions of electricity consumption), not the country code, it works.

I guess they have some issues with LAT/LONG conversion. Problem fixed anyway. Thanks. :slight_smile:

curl '' -H 'auth-token: 5dXXXXXXXXXXX'

{"_disclaimer":"This data is the exclusive property of Tomorrow and/or related parties. If you're in doubt about your rights to use this data, please contact [email protected]","status":"ok","countryCode":"IT-CSO","data":{"datetime":"2021-12-30T09:00:00.000Z","carbonIntensity":323,"fossilFuelPercentage":40.81},"units":{"carbonIntensity":"gCO2eq/kWh"}}

I have the same issue now. I had already put in the zone code (IT-CSO). It doesn’t work anymore today. Alessandro did you noticed the same issue?

Anyone found a fix for this? Mine has been broken for a while too. The data is there on the map but it does not show up on HA.