Energy Dashboard Consumption Graph

Hi folks.
Can you please help me understand how to show the grid and other sources consumption in 1 graph like so…

I’m only seeing consumption from grid in type: energy-usage-graph and no solar.

My setup:

Thanks in advance.

You need an energy return to grid sensor.

Doing that shows the energy sent back to the grid from solar. I do not send energy back. I use grid tie inverter to use solar and only use grid when solar is not enough.

I would expect the positive kWh to show consumptions from grid and solar., It’s only showing grid.

Try creating a template sensor that always returns 0 kWh, add that as your grid return sensor.

  - sensor:
      - name: Grid Return
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        state: "{{ 0 }}"

Adding this to your energy dashboard as your grid return should allow the calculations to display self consumed solar on the top graph.

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Brilliant! That have done it. Thank you!