Energy dashboard - cost for individual devices and system power meter

When adding a power meter in the fuse box for the whole system, I want to see the cost hour by hour, day by day etc, as well as the hourly valuy of my sold solar power. Here, the energy dashboard is fantastic!

As I also have “a bunch” of individual power plugs, I would like to be able to see the same data, separated from System Total, for my individual devices.
I.e., I want to be able to see the power usage/ cost for dishwasher, TV, computer, what-not, as in the Energy dash.
If I do add the individual devices, the will be summed up “on top” of the system total as it is today.
And, I do trust the system total, but not fully the plugs, as the System Total is connected via P1-port on the power meter in the fuse box.

And yes, I do have hourly billing of my electricity

Mentioned this on the last release episode of the Home Assistant podcast as well. Also gets a brief mention in this weeks episode.

TLDL: I 100% agree


Duplicate of WTH!? - Why can't we see electricity cost for individual entities in Energy dashboard? ?