Energy Dashboard - Electricity Usage chart redundant?

As the “Individual devices detail usage” includes “Untracked consumption”, it seems redundant and unnecessary to show both charts presented. The totals are all the same after adding individual consumers. The “Electricity Usage” could be removed and “Individual devices usage” could be moved to the top. Then the per hour (period) total could easily be added to the mouseover popup

It may be redundant when not using solar or batteries, or three phase grid metering, but with any or all of those it’s really useful to have it separate.

Agree, when using solar and batteries both are needed otherwise the battery and grid export would not be shown:

The ‘Electricity Usage’ chart is my go-to for my battery (red-charging, green-discharging) and solar (yellow), which most certainly do not show on the ‘Individual Devices’ chart!

There is much more going on in the Energy Dashboard that at first meets the eye…

Taking into accdount batteries and solar production, the option to hide either chart should satisfy all needs.

I neither have batteries nor solar production, but I suspect that registering those as individual devices, the values would be shown as negative on the “Individual devices detail” graph, provided the values are negative. Just a thought