Energy Dashboard - facility to change starting number (y axis) and weighting(s)

I have a Freint electicity meter that is integrated into the Energy Dashboad.

  1. The Y axis of the Energy record should not start at Zero, but at the current Energy meter reading - so that comparison can be made as to accuarcy over time

  2. In my case the electricty meter has 800 flashes per1kw/h - but the Energy Dashboad assumes that 1000 flashes are 1kw/h - menaing that there is a sytematic undereading.

It would be good to be able to weight the graphs - in my case by 1.25 - so that the enegy records tally with real usage

In my case the electricty meter has 800 flashes per1kw/h - but the Energy Dashboad assumes that 1000 flashes are 1kw/h - menaing that there is a sytematic undereading.

This is not correct, energy dashboard doesn’t know anything about “flashes”. You input a sensor that tells how much kWh you consumed.

If the sensor you input into the energy dashboard reports the wrong amount of kWh, that’s an issue of that sensor, nothing to do with energy dashboard.