Energy dashboard filtered by AREA

I would like to see a feature where the energy dashboard can be filtered by AREA. In my use case I have 2 locations (2 separate houses with their own energy meter) that are home assistant managed by a single HA instance, and energy sources and consumption from both are shown together which makes it difficult to separate them out. I would really like a single dashboard for each, OR why not add a filter in the same way that you can filter by date:

Area can already be associated with each device. Selecting “AREA 1” in the filter at the top would filter out so that ONLY energy usage, sources, and individual devices with the Area set to “AREA 1” would be shown and summarized.

Of course the date filter should also work on this subset.

Alternatively it should be possible to set which area should be shown in the dasboard as a parameter, but I think a filter would be more useful.

Just giving this a nudge.

What would be really great is if the energy dashboard could also filter by AREA in addition to the current day, week, month etc

Consider this a feature request! Still would like to see this.

Anyone else like to see this?
