Energy dashboard - flip bars

is there a way to flip the stacking of the energy bars in the consumption graph?
Goal is to always have the yellow bars below the blue ones.

Here is what it looks at the moment:

This is what it should look like:


I agree this is not the ideal stacking order. Self solar use should be at the bottom of the stack. It was brought up during beta testing but not changed.

You can open a frontend feature request here: home-assistant/frontend Other Feature Requests · Discussions · GitHub

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I thought the same at first because it was a change but having got used to it for a couple of days it makes sense to have imported data first as there is a separate chart for solar production. The new view enables comparison of imported energy per hour much easier.

Thought that too at first but it’s counter intuitive.
Further, solar production chart does not show the actual PV energy consumed.
So, no… the new version does not improve anything really.

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Did you open a frontend issue?

Frontend feature request created Energy Dashboard Electricity Usage Bar Stacking Order Change · home-assistant/frontend · Discussion #24160 · GitHub


Fixed in 2025.2.2.

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