Energy Dashboard Gas price tracking not working with kWh

So Im using the Gas consumption in the energy dashboard and using a energy entity with kWh and a price entity to track using SEK/kWh.
The amount used is tracked as expected in the energy dashboard but not the cost.

When selecting the entities to track it’s stated “Pick a sensor which measures gas consumption in either of GJ, kWh, MJ, MWh, Wh.” which I have done with kWh and SEK/kWh.
But it appears that there is some kind of bug here?

Now what I’m using this for is actually not for gas but the electricity load of the house.
This is because I have invested in solar and battery storage but I want to know what the cost of electricity would have been if I did not use solar. That way I can track the return of investment.
This would be easy if I could use two energy dashboards but that is not possible in current version of home assistant.
So the closest best thing was the gas tracking, but that did’t work by design or bug.

How the energy dashboard is now it will only show import and export which is important. But not the savings of using stored energy and solar, that energy is without energy tax, grid fee and electricity cost, this total is part of my return of investment and want to track this.

So even if this topic is about Gas and cost tracking, maybe there is alternative way to solve my issue?

Don’t know what happend… I did no more changes, but it has now started to track the cost of “gas” and also it has retrofilled the cost in previous days which had no cost printed out.

Maybe it had to get past the current month to start?
I don’t know… but now it looks like it’s doing what I was expecting.