I got the GoodWe inverter and HomeKit HK1000. Struggling to integrate it to HA.
I am also not sure about the SEMS portal. Should I add the inverter and HomeKit as two seperate plants or just one? I’m also not sure if the CT clamps were installed correctly as the energy reported by the inverter is different to the one reported by the HomeKit energy monitoring. HomeKit also reports 0% self consumption for the last week
I’ve read that the GoodWe inverters need to run a modern firmware in order to work with HA. Called GoodWe today to request an upgrade. Mine is a GW5000D-NS, installed about 2 years ago. I don’t have the HomeKit yet, waiting for confirmation that it works with HA ;). I’ll let you know once the firmware upgrade has been done and the result with HA integration.
The inverter does through the native integration but not the HomeKit. I have heard people use SEMS api hacs which scraps the SEMS portal for data and makes it available on HA.
I’m still trying to make it work and get the right data and display it on the energy dashboard.
I really hope. I paid $600 for it plus installation.
If I had know this would happen, I would have got the inverter and energy monitoring from Shelly or Iotawatt.
I have added a feature request to add similar integration in the official GoodWe integration at: GoodWe HomeKit Integration. Please upvote if you think it will be useful.
I have added them as separate devices in the same plant. One is inverter and the other one is data logger. Can see 100% data match between SEMS and HA.
I am waiting for them to come back on Monday and fix it or else I was told I can call GoodWe technical support and then can change it from their end electronically but I would prefer if they come back and fix it for a more permanent solution.
Ok. So from there, I use a script to extract pv, load and grid?
Pv - solar generation?
Load - how much I’m consuming?
Grid - how much I’m getting from the grid?
Charts sell - how much I’m exporting?
I’m sorry but there isn’t much information and I’m struggling to understand what they mean? Since my values are all reversed thanks for clamps being put in the wrong place, I can’t understand anything from my readings.
Yeah. So if you look at above screenshot, I have created HA attributes to fit my needs. PV is current solar generation, load is current power consumption for the home (does take in to account how much energy is being generated by solar, grid shows power being imported or exported, grid status (1 or -1) tell you whether you are importing or exporting to/from grid). These are some of the custom attributes I have created:
To convert it to KWh, do I use Riemann sum integral sensor so they can be added to Energy dashboard?
Also, is there a way to split the import and export sensors so I can add them to the energy dashboard? I am assuming the energy dashboard doesn’t need the load so it has PV, import/export to determine the load (consumption)?
I wanted to test it before giving you are confirmation. It works by using Riemann sum. Didnt work for directly from configuration under sensors but had to add settings → devices & services → helpers and new helpers for import and export. Make sure the sensor you are using for source value is “W”.
For import and export, I am using following to make value zero for import and export when I am not importing or exporting:
platform: template
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
value_template: >
{% set power = (states(‘sensor.homekit_grid_actual’)|round ) %}
{{ 0 if power < 0 else power }}
platform: template
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
value_template: >
{% set power = (states(‘sensor.homekit_actual_usage’)|round ) %}
{{ 0 if power < 0 else power }}
After the post, I managed to extract charts_buy and charts_sell and use that for the energy dashboard. The values are close to 0.2 approx to what AGL registers which I’m happy with.
Hi @Hufflepuff-source, it sounds like you got it going. I wonder if I can pick your brain a bit? I have a quote for what seems like a similar system (GoodWe GW5000-MS inverter with a HomeKit unit) and want to be sure I will be able to connect it to Home Assistant using local polling.
Have I got this right?
Both the inverter and the HomeKit unit connect to your home network (WIFI or Ethenet)
HA talks to the inverter using the standard GoodWe integration?
Does HA talk to the HomeKit unit?
Your connection gives you all the data needed for PV generation, grid import/export, and local consumption?
Ok I am confused. I’ve added these along with the other template sensors above, but when I go to setup the Energy Dashboard and add “Grid consumption”, " Return to grid", and “Solar production”, none of these new template sensors show up as options.
I do see the sensor.homekit_xxxxxxxxxxxx_import and sensor.homekit_xxxxxxxxxxxx_export, but I don’t believe these give the values required.