Over the weekend my Energy dashboard has stopped calculating cost for both import and export and has also zeroed historic data as well, now when I look in the dashboard I see £0.00 for the cost values where previously I had calculated costs
I pull power consumption values from my Powerwall via the official Tesla integration, and this data is showing correctly, as you can see above.
For costs I use the Octopus Energy Custom component for the import tariff - This is showing the correct value
For export I use a fixed value.
None of these have been changed, but after months of running without issues, costs, both current and historic, have been zeroed.
No changes have been made to the cofiguration, yet today the Energy dashboard has begun showing costs again, but all historic values have been lost. Se below dashboard for 2023 so far
So, is there a way to recover the historic data?
Is this an automatic recovery by the dashboard to something else that failed?
Should I just treat the historic data as non-persistent.