Energy dashboard - Home solar consumption percentage

Currently in the new Energy dashboard we see the great Energy distribution schematic, as well as how much (percentage) of the Solar Energy produced is being used for the home (among other valuable information).

However another percentage meter that would be interesting to have is how much of your home’s energy consumption was solar power. You indeed have a rough idea based on the Energy distribution schematic, but it’s not a readable number.

Push, I completely agree! The information is already present, but only as graphic, see screenshot below.
For me this is the most interesting information. Having this percentage value (used solar vs. grid power) as gauge available would be perfect. I think this information could incent people to use more energy from solar. Best example, turn on dishing or washing machine only at sunshine.


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Implemented in 2023.7.0

How so? Is there a new configuration to add/change before this shows up?

Look for the self sufficiency gauge.

Ah, you mean on the Energy dashboard page!

Yes, didn’t think I needed to mention that due to the FR title:

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 11-13-58 Energy dashboard - Home solar consumption percentage - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community