Energy dashboard Improvement

I would like to see the energy usage distribution (24h) by the devices
Today we have 2 different graphs

  • the energy-usage-graph where we can see the total consumption by hours and (if configured) the split between the tariffs
  • the energy-devices-graph where we can see the overall consumption by devices

If we combine this 2 different information we can see when (in the 24h) a device consumes energy
This can be helpful when we don’t have a meter for every device, or when we are able to measure only a subset of devices;
in this way we can try to figure out what additional devices are drying energy (eg. night lights vs dryer)
Another use case can be validating the quality of the collected metered data, eg. if we are tracking the dryer with a dedicated meter but the measure is wrong, and we are getting an unexpected amount

In general, this view can help people to digger into what are the different entities that concur to the main energy consumption and try to understand if there is a better way to distribute the load (eg. the dryer usually takes 3h, but in the same time there is also the dishwasher running), today is not clear at first glance if there is any better optimization

You can see that now by clicking on the entity and viewing its history.

Sorry dont see that perhas I refrase my thought.
in the top side you have the full energy consumption
and than below you can add you plug or other showing consumption like fridge etc.

what I would like to see a graph showing daily total consumption - individual consumption = not measured by individual devices

so my case I have a daily consumption of -+ 10 KWh and measured buy individual devices 8 KWh meaning i have e not measured by individual devices 2 Kwh (probably light bulbs etc…
but to have the number i have to add everything manually , would be nice to have a Graph showing me this info directly…

Create a template sensor for that. Total - individual devices = unmonitored consumption.

Or use the Sankey chart card which can do that automatically.