My energy dasboard is giving strange numbers on my solar power.
Solar energy seems to be rounded off to 10, 20, 30, 40 kWh instead of 10.3 or 30,7kWh
Update intervals of the generated solar power are also not every hour and seem kind off random.
I am using the Solis energy total counter in the solar production tab. Is this the right parameter? or should i be using the Solis Energy Today daily generated parameter in the solar production tab?
My setup:
Energy dasboard:
Dashboard is showing 10kWh measured only one time on that day. (should have been spread over several hours that day.
My Solar inverter and energy meter are showing the folowing:
The issue i have:
Generated 16.6 kWh, Energy dasboard shows 10kWh
Any idea what i can do to get this right, and the energy dashboard updating at least every hour and showing the right value in this case 16.6 kWh?
Another example:
Thank you in advanced for your help.