Energy-dashboard: No costs shown


I have a counter which records the m3 of gas used. This works fine so far. I added some senors like:

- sensor:
    - unique_id: gasmeter_kwh
      name: Gasmeter kWh
      state: "{{ (states('counter.gas_meter_count') | float * 0.01 * [factor for m3 -> kWh]) | round(2) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
      icon: mdi:meter-gas-outline
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total_increasing

- sensor:
    - unique_id: gasmeter_costs
      name: Gasmeter costs
      state: "{{ (states('counter.gas_meter_count') | float * 0.01 * [factor for m3 -> kWh] * [price of kWh]) | round(2) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: 'EUR'
      icon: mdi:meter-gas-outline
      device_class: monetary
      state_class: total_increasing

This works fine when showing the absolut numbers in a lovelace-dashboard.

Now I want to add this the the energy dashboard. I went to Gas consumption → Add gas source and used Gasmeter kWh as Gas usage and chose "
“Use an entity tracking the total costs” with Gasmeter costs.

I got an nice graph now on the energy-dashboard which shows my gas usage per day in kWh, but the costs are not shown anywhere on the energy-dashboard.

What do I have to do to show the costs there as well?