Energy Dashboard not displaying bar graphs

Recently my energy dashboard has been acting funny: the graph shows the correct scaling and information, but the bars themselves have completely disappeared!

Even data that was already there has completely disappeared.
Any thoughts on what’s going on?

Same here. Graph scaling is correct, sensor data is correct, but no bars are displayed !

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How long has it been happening for you?

Same problem here. Scale correct, kWh value correct, but no bars.
I have had this problem for the last two versions.

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Which type of install are you folks using? I’m using Docker.

I’m using docker too, no problems at all. Running the version 2022.11.4

I created a bug report: if anyone else is experiencing the issue, please follow the link and let them know!

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Updated to the latest version, 2022.11.4 (running in Docker), and my bars are back.

Restored a backup and my bars are also back. Don’t know what de problem was…

Just updated the docker image a couple hours ago and they’re gone again…

I reopened the GH issue.