Energy dashboard: not show a sensor in choose menu

Good morning everyone. This is my first post and I am new to installing Home Assistant (Docker - QNAP). So I ask you to be patient because I have to learn :slight_smile:
I have already read the discussions about my problem but I have not been able to find the solution.

I have photovoltaic panels with a storage battery from Huawey. I managed to match everything and I see the graphs and all the other things.

Unfortunately in the “Energy” dashboard, when I go to insert the sensor that measures the “instantaneous” production of the photovoltaic panels…the sensor is not in the drop-down menu.

I checked and as an entity I see it and it works (I attach a screenshot).

How do I integrate it into the energy dashboard?


Schermata 2025-01-17 alle 10.46.41

Energy dashboard accepts only energy sensors. Unit has to be kWh.


state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: kW
device_class: power
friendly_name: Inverter Potenza in ingresso
is not a energy sensor?

Can I change it in sensor?
Can I change it in kWh?

BTW: is there any solution?

See here:

Wow, thanks!
I try

Thanks a lot.

If positive I mark as solution.

OMG…i’m confused.
Maybe solution #2 #3 and #9

Sorry but I’m quite ignorant.
I tried to follow the guide but nothing. I can’t do it alone.
It seems simple, but it’s not at all.

Yes, as has been said, the Energy Dashboard shows the energy that has been moved around. Energy is usually measured as kWh

Power is instantaneous energy flow, and usually measured as kW or just W.

The reference point #2 says - ‘if you only have a power sensor, you cannot add this to the energy dashboard’

Point #3 says - ‘if you only have a power sensor, you can make an energy sensor using the Reimann Integral integration’

A Reimann Sum (or Integral) calculates the area under the power-curve graph you have in your post above. Since the height of the curve is ‘power’ as kW, and the x-axis is ‘time’ as h, the area under the curve between two points is power x time = energy as kWh.

Fortunately, the Reimann Sum integration does all the hard work.

Setting up a Reimann Sum sensor is best done using a helper:

Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers > Create Helper > Integral

Use your solar power sensor as the source sensor. The integration method is probably best set to ‘left’.

This should create a new sensor for you, which will be the total solar energy produced, and this sensor can then be added to your Energy Dashboard.

It is confusing at first as there is quite a lot going on, but it will make sense in time. Hope this helps!

Thank you!
Sorry for my delay…I’m a sailor and sometimes I’ve no internet connection