Energy Dashboard Not Showing Power/Energy Usage


Has anyone experienced some devices not appearing as having consumed any energy in the Energy Dashboard?

I bring in my devices in through Hubitat which adds a layer of complexity but some of them work and some of them don’t. In the device pages of the devices themselves they all seem to be tracking power/energy usage, but this doesn’t seem to be pulling into the Energy dashboard itself.

The several of the devices are the same make/model and use exactly the same driver and have exactly the same configuration.

Energy dashboard entirely runs through statistics. When entities are not working, its because their statistics are not working. So you need to start there to look for problems.

Check the statistics devtool panel for issues, check that the entities have the correct state class, etc. Check the output of a statistics graph card.

Thanks, I repaired and fully reset the plugs that didnt work (in some cases had to do it twice) and the values started to pull through.