Energy Dashboard - Persistent Timezone & Grouping options

related to this post: Energy Dashboard and timezones

I too travel frequently and use Nabu Casa to keep tabs on things that happen at home when I am away. As the user Remko had identified in his post, the energy dashboard will display the data in whatever time zone the local device is set at. and it will subsequently display incorrectly what the actual energy distribution is over the day?

It would be great if there can be an option to choose which time-zone to use for display of the graph?

On the second topic, it would also be good if there would be an option to choose the grouping that the enrgy dashboard uses for other periods? I.e. if I choose year to date, I get the summary per month, but I might want to see what the peak distribution is per hour, summarize over that month or months. But that grouping cannot be set?

If you had followed the link to the feature request I posted in that topic you would have seen that this feature was released in 2023.7.

It works everywhere except the date pickers in the history panel (the graphs themselves do though). There’s a frontend issue open for that.