Energy Dashboard - Questions (

Hi everyone,

I am currently exploring the energy dashboard possibilities and am scanning through the various threads.
However, I have some questions I did not find an answer for yet.
For those I struggled with and found answers to (for rookies like me) I will leave here, too.
For the others I would greatly appreciated your support.

  1. Costs: I have seen on some dashboards the cost overview (sources, energy, costs) and I have included my gas meter in the gas section and created a helper with the price.
    The costs didn’t show up though.
    Two things are crucial to solve this: a) the meter type must be gas for both below and the price needs to be in accordance the the unit used in the configs (both in configuration.yaml) below.
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Gas gesamt (m³)
        unit_of_measurement: "m³"
        icon_template: "mdi:counter"
        device_class: gas
        value_template: "{{ states ('counter.gas_zahler_rohwerte') | float(0) * 0.01}}"


    # gas energy sensor  
      device_class: gas
      state_class: total_increasing
      accuracy_decimals: 2
  1. Why can’t I select the same gas meter above with kWh? this seems to be possible as I have seen some dashboards with gas in combination with kWh.

  2. Why don’t I see the entities I would expect: (e.g. old ones still show up)

check in developer tools >statistics for those entities and repair them if they have an error. If that’s not the issue, i’m not familiar with gas consumption monitoring sorry.

Thank you, Sarge :grinning:
I did not know this feature, but will check it out and report back. (just started to learn - coming from openhab).
Much appreciated.

I tried the “Adjust sum” function in statistics on the Utility Meter for Gas this year, but it was reset back to the previous value:

Because the Utility meter gets the data from the sensor.gas_meter above (which is updated by the pulse counter of the gas meter in my basement), I guess this overwrites the modified value.