I’ve got almost two years’ worth of Powerwall data feeding my Energy Dashboard. At some point during the two years, my energy company incentivized a switch to a Peak and Offpeak time-of-use plan, so I created new utility meter sensors to track that specific consumption.
Now I’m in a situation where I want the Energy Dashboard to use the new Peak and Offpeak sensors to better reflect my grid import and export, but this will require me to remove the source sensor and therefore I lose all historical data up until the new Peak and Offpeak sensors were created. Keeping all of them in the dashboard doubles the totals, which I also do not want.
So, are there any good paths for keeping the historical data for grid import and export in the Energy Dashboard up until the date where the new Peak and Offpeak sensors were created?
Maybe clone the source sensors, but truncate on the date the new sensors take over? If so, any points on how to do this?
I don’t believe this is a candidate for merging historical data or renaming since I’m taking two sensors (that are continuing to generate data) into four.