Energy Dashboard setup help


I’m trying to understand how I can properly setup the Energy Dashboard of Home Assistant.
My setup is, I believe, a bit outside of the typical use case.

Basically I have everything I could need with data from my Belgian smart meter and my solar panel inverter data.

My smart meter is read with " DSMR Slimme Meter" integration. This means that it comes with 4 meter readings (indexes). Namely:

  • Electricity Meter Energy consumption (tarif 1)
  • Electricity Meter Energy consumption (tarif 2)
  • Electricity Meter Energy production (tarif 1)
  • Electricity Meter Energy production (tarif 2)

Tarif 1 and tarif 2 are other names for Peak and Off Peak both of them are meter readings (aka indexes)

The term “production” there is a bit off as this actually represents what is sent/injected back to the network (return to grid)

Besides that, I get my solar production from the SMA Solar integration and this returns (among lots of other informations) a “total_yield” which is also some kind of meter readings.

So my questions are:

  1. From the documentation, I understand that I need to plug in the Energy dashboard some consumption/production rather that a meter reading. Can someone confirm? I would say that it would be easy to calculate as it is basically dataT - dataT-1
  2. The UI allows me to select the sensor to use. I mean, a single one… I sum up the 2 tariffs sensors but that seems kind of sad to lose the tarif split.

Can someone give a bit of guidance on how to approach this?


I have the same issue.
Do you have solved this?
Can you help me?

As far as i understand, you have the following situation:

  • Electricity Meter Energy consumption (tarif 1) → sensor.tarif1-total-consumption → kw/h
  • Electricity Meter Energy consumption (tarif 2) → sensor.tarif2-total-consumption → kw/h
  • Electricity Meter Energy production (tarif 1) → sensor.tarif1-total-production → kw/h
  • Electricity Meter Energy production (tarif 2) → sensor.tarif1-total-production → kw/h

What i wold do:
Sum-up the two tarifs to one total-production sensor and one total-consumption sensor. For the different tarifs, use a sensor which gets swiched by a automation with is trigger by a calendar.

When you need more infos, let me know.
Maybe there are better ways, i have configured my energy-dashboard like this.