Energy dashboard show stats per 5 minutes - 15 minutes - 30 minutes

As the title says.
It would be good if we could see energy data per smaller increments.
The statistics already keep 5 minute interval readings so it should be possible.
Primary reason is our energy bill will partially depend on peak consumption per 15 minutes and I’d like to be able to analyze this in HA.

I see your idea but do not vote ‘for’ as you can accomplish this yourselves with your own sensors and graphs. My view is that the existing graphs are not to check your immediate use but more the periodic overview…it is my view of course :slight_smile:
IMO, showing details will become again more cumbersome as you then want to know which plug/device/etc. is creating this…
Note that the data is there but you may need other tools

Although I see your point, to me it’s about being able to see way back too for which the energy dashboard is ideal in the way it uses statistics.
And seeing as the data is already there I was thinking this would not be too big of a thing to add.
Still just a “nice to have” ofcourse…

BTW… there is a table statistics_short_term which actually does this but it does not have a very long period that covers that. However… I have not found a way to address this table from HA so that would require other non-HA tools like (?) grafana

I too would like to have more flexibility/configurability in the Energy dashboard.
While one can of course always use a custom graphing add-in, the Energy dashboard is nice as a built-in in that rather than graphing a line chart of a sensor, it creates a bar chart with the total “consumption” shown in each period.

This is graphically simple & powerful.
It would be nice to have some ability to customize including:

  1. Setting custom bucket intervals (currently intervals seem to be hourly, daily, monthly, quarterly with the interval fixed based upon the time period shown).
    For example, I might want to look at 15 minute or 5 minute periods to help identify specific patterns and users of energy. Or I might still want to see hourly across several days or dails across several months

  2. Setting custom display periods. It would be nice to be able to add other defaults to the quick pick list on the right popup-nav. Currently, you can pick: Today, Yesterday, This Week, This month, This quarter, This year". Perhaps I want to add other periods like Last Week, Last Month, etc (these are all defaults on the History charts). Perhaps, I want trailing 7 days, trailing 30 days, etc. Perhaps I have some other custom amount I want to define

  3. Choosing the default starting display period Currently it defaults always to Today and does not remember previous choices. Maybe I would like it to default to say “This Month” or maybe I want it to remember the last period chosen.

I would think these additions are all:

  • Consistent with the current purpose of the Energy dashboard and UI
  • Simple extensions that should be easy to code
  • Add power to configure and extend rather than assuming everybody wants to display the same limited few ways

I fully agree : +1