Energy Dashboard shows yesterdays data in one block at 00:00 after mariadb switch

Hi All,

I’ve switched to mariadb and victoriametrics running on a separate server due to their databases becoming huge on my HA Yellow. This was causing my backups to fail but that was another issue now solved.

Since moving to mariadb the energy dashboard started showing all of the previous days’ electricity usage on the first bar between 00:00 and 01:00.

I’ve checked the time of the Yellow and the server running the databases and they are the same. I also did not import any previous data from the old homeassisant database.

I also tried hosting a local mariadb on the Yellow as a Add-On but that did the same thing.

Although it isn’t the end of the world if anyone has any pointers to solve this it would be very much appreciated.

What do the history graphs for the energy sensors look like at midnight?

Are the resetting correctly?

All sensors and energy meters reset to zero at midnight.

I initially thought it could be due to the time of the two servers being out of sync but the local mariadb did the same thing.

I have also deleted the entire history twice to see if it was an old entry in the database causing the issue.

I’m assuming there must be a senor causing the issue but I haven’t been able to find an error in the logs that links to this.