Energy Dashboard slows down when ESPHome installed


I recently started to tinker with ESPHome. Works great! Neat feature.

I noted that my Energy dashboard started to become sluggish, so I started to suspect the SD card on the RPi 3+.

Nevertheless, I had to remove the EPSHome integration for another reason and all of a sudden the Energy Dashboard was working again! Both the ESPHome Add-on and the Integration had been removed.

Today I got new ESP32’s and started to tinker again. I compiled and ran the ESP32 (ESPHome) from my PC. Home Assistant found the ESPHome, and the integration was enabled again. The add-on is not installed.

All of a sudden, the Energy Dashboard was extremely slow again!
Changing days takes around 7-8 seconds. Normally it’s immediate.

I also notice quite a degradation when looking at history. The longer time you look for, the worse it gets. Looking at 7 days of sensor data takes 20-30 seconds to display.

Home Assistant 2022.10.5
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Operating System 9.2
Frontend-version: 20221010.0 - latest

ESPHome: Version: 2022.10.0

My ESPHome code is super-simple:

  name: solar-display

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Solar Hotspot"
    password: "solarhotspot"


  # gfonts://family[@weight]
  - file: "gfonts://Roboto"
    id: roboto
    size: 16


  - platform: homeassistant
    id: electricity_price_karlskrona
    entity_id: sensor.electricity_price_karlskrona
    internal: true

  scl: GPIO25
  sda: GPIO26

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    model: "SSD1306 128x64"
    address: 0x3C
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 22, id(roboto), "Hello");

Kindly guide me in a direction to understand what is happening, and how I can prevent this. This sadly makes ESPHome useless for me, and do love the feature!

EDIT: The behavior is the same with the ESPHome on-line (turned on) and off-line (turned off).
EDIT2: ESPHome integration now removed again. After reboot the system is back to normal. Performance degradation of my system is caused/correlated to the presence of ESPHome :frowning:

Thanks, Marcus


I’m probably experiencing the same problem. My energy distribution animation slow down since last month. For the first time I thought it is connected with latest HA version. But when I saw your post I realized that I had also installed ESP32 Device to measure water consumption about month ago.

Did you find any solution ?

I am also having the same issue after installing a energy meter. it seems to slow down the dashboard when it updates the sensors.

Its actually seemed to crash my whole dashboard:

I’m wondering if this has to do with the number of database entries the ESP devices are creating adn if swapping to MariaDB would solve this issue.