Energy dashboard source values do not make sense

So I have a Tesla solar panels & inverter and no batteries.
I get the power & energy values via Teslemetry integration.

A quick check suggests that the four values above add up correctly (import + production = export + consumption). 29.1+14=7.9+35.3 → 43.1 ~= 43.2 (rounding error)

The Energy dashboard is configured to use the first three entities from the screenshot above

Imported: 29.1 kWh
Exported: 7.9 kWh
Generated: 14.0 kWh

However, I can’t wrap my head around the numbers shown at the bottom of the Energy dashboard:

Imported: 29.08 kWh (close to the expected 29.1 kWh)
Exported: -5.57 kWh (disregarding the sign, not where near the expected 7.9 kWh)
Generated: 10.99 kWh (not where near the expected 14.0 kWh)

Why is this happening?