Energy dashboard suggestions


I love the Energy Dashboard and here 2 suggestions I’d like to make after a few months of use:

  • Slighty different colors depending the dirtiness of Grid use: For those who have CO² Signal set up, it would be nice to have different shades of blue or a mix of blue/green depending on how much fossil fuels is burnt during this period of time (but then, battery color should be changed from green to something else):

In my humble mockup, from 1 to 3AM and from 5 to 6AM, grid use would be in green color thanks to (let’s say) wind. On the opposite, between 5 and 8PM, it’s dark blue.

  • Different colors for battery depending on their charge source: It’s great to have a home battery to keep you from using the grid and so dirty energy, but in some cases, the battery charges from the grid also.
    For example, I have a 2kWh portable battery which acts more like an UPS for my network rack. This battery only can charge or discharge, it isn’t possible to be bypassed to deliver only the power needed by the rack. So, sometimes, it means it charges from the grid.
    In that case, my idea would be to get a different color for it (maybe based on the suggestion above, but it would be even more complicated).