Energy Dashboard und Shelly 3em dont work after update

Hey since the last Home Assistant the Energy Dashboard with the Shelly 3em template is broken. Picture 1 before the update, Picture 2 after the update.



As you can see, after the update at around 04:00, the energy dasboard failed and no longer displayed any data. During the day, data was displayed a few times, but towards the end of the day, no more data was displayed. Is my code suddenly faulty? I would be happy if someone could take a look at it.

  • sensor:
    - name: “Total Energy Use”
    unique_id: “Total_Energy_Use”
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    unit_of_measurement: “kWh”
    state: >
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_a_energy’)| float(0) +
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_b_energy’)| float(0) +
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_c_energy’)| float(0) * 1.5 | round(2)
  • sensor:
    - name: “Total Energy Returned”
    unique_id: “Total_Energy_Returned”
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    unit_of_measurement: “kWh”
    state: >
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_a_energy_returned’)| float(0) +
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_b_energy_returned’)| float(0) +
    states(‘sensor.shellyem3_34945475a046_channel_c_energy_returned’)| float(0)

Edit: The sensors seem to be working again after the dropout, but the Energy Dashboard is dead.

Just did the update, so I haven’t seen if there are any problems yet.

Your sensors look like mine, but I got curious about the 1,5 multiplication. Is it a calibration?