Energy dashboard wrong cost

Hi all,

After kicking out my old electricity company i had to calculate my own prices. But for some reason the dashboard always calculates more than it should.

My price sensor is 3 sensor combined.

This sensor i just a fixed cost per kWh:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: Fjordkraft påslag
      unit_of_measurement: "NOK/kWh"
      value_template: >

Next sensor is the electricity price itself from the Nordpool integration:


And the last is also an amount charged per kWh:


Combinding all these sensors into one i made a template sensor like this:

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ states('sensor.fjordkraft_paslag') | float + states('sensor.nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_10_025') | float + states('sensor.forbruksledd_per_kwh') | float }}"
      friendly_name: Strømpris inkl nettleie og påslag
      unit_of_measurement: "NOK/kWh"

For me this looks okey:



Then for the energy dashboard i have done this:


But here the fun starts… When i look at the cost per day it just doesnt match at all…
This i all for today, as all the other pictures.

Based on these prices 1kWh today should cost me in average 51 NOK, and the average is 4.558 so far.
Is it my template sensor that combines 3 sensor? This was never an issue before when i used another sensor for pricing.