Energy Data corrupted

For a few days now, I have the problem that energy data are not recorded every hour. Once or twice a day, the total consumption is summarized in one hour.
It looks like this:
July 5th

Same for all devices. Energy data are only rarely recorded:

And it doesn’t get better:
July 6th
July 7th

On July 4, I had the first gap of about three hours:

Help please…

Any error messages in the Home Assistant logs related to connection issues of the HA server?

I have similar errors after updating recently to 2024.7.1.
Some information is updated, solar energy, gas and so on not.
And similar to your case, it can popup in total at a certain time.

I am using 3x Shelly plug S devices and HA is updated to 2024.7.1
No similar issues here…

I think something is changed in the recorder integration concerning the purge service.
The purge is done every day at 4 am, and looks like it takes long and long.
This is what I suspect.

and reported on github;