This is not a hypothetical scenario: I have a smart electrical panel that measures and reports power on each branch, I have PDUs that report power of all loads, and I have Z-Wave power monitors for specific individual loads. When two of these smart electric panels are daisy-chained (1 is a sub-panel to the main), a hierarchy exists.
I strongly “second” this enhancement request/proposal
I can see a way to maybe do this but it is all completely manual. We’d have to create template sensors of parent-child to show as the ‘‘parent’’ item in the dashboard to keep it separate though. Which could get messy.
I like knowing that the breaker for my VR room uses X amount but individually in that room seeing what the main computer uses along with a few other devices.
We can go a step further on this and on top of setting up nesting how about manually defining how much wats devices use. Similar to how Alexa does it, you can specify how much each light uses and it can create an energy snapshot of your entire house.
Came here to suggest this feature. Good to see it’s already here!
In my case I measure each ‘group’ on my distribution board, but also have some power strips measured by a power meter, for example to feed my desk. Then I also measure some devices on the desk separately.
It would be a great help if there is the option to group and cascade/ nested power meters.
Many devices meanwhile could meter electricity consumption, but still not all.
Mostly there is a root meter from the PC or the power company and some additional.
In bigger installations, there are separate root meters and then the meter from the smaller deices. Per fuse or per RCD or in other ways.
If I could add child’s to a power meter would be helpful here. Also, helpful would be to group the meters by floor and room or fuse.this will help to find consumers on the power line much more easy.
Same, this sounds great. Also got some more “simpler” situations: you’ve got a power measurement socket for your whole “office desk” situation, but also got some measuring ones for the individual computers.
IMO HASS could/should define some sort of more general abstraction and support for hierarchies. Energy devices that we are discussing here are just one example.
Areas-within-rooms, rooms. floors, house/structure, detatched-structure, “the property-at-some-address” is another potential hierarchy. I can’t ever remember the HASS entitity taxonomy, but there ought to be a way to “tag” an entitty with some hierarchy property, (e.g. “contains”, and/or “contained-by”) and all that could be walked programattically to establish the tree/graph of whatever. This requires some thinking, design, and “architecture”…
As previously mentioned by others, this is not a hypothetical situation.
We need to be able to divide in the following hierarchy;
Main fuse-per phase,
Main Panel-Per Circuit,
Sub Panel(s) allowing Daisy Chaining,
Circuits on Sub Panels,
Individual Sockets/PDUs,
Individual Smart plugs,
Reported consumption direct from devices.
Ideally this needs to be implemented with an unlimited branch “Tree” Structure allowing for users to nest their loads.
Additional Important Feature;
Subtract the load of each monitored load, from its parent monitored/calculated load, ensuring the total load doesnt add up to more than the ACTUAL total load