(Steve Lupton)
June 29, 2023, 8:14am
Got a bit of a weird issue with my energy graph. Here’s an example for today:-
You can see an impossible scenario - 2.7 kWh put into my battery overnight in that one hour slot but only 0.6 kWh consumed from the grid. You night think that this is a problem with my sensors or the configuration, but it’s not because if you look further down…
You can see the correct values (8 kWh total import of which 7.3 kWh went into the battery).
The overview widget is also correct - it’s only the graph that doesn’t make sense:-
Running 2023.6.2 on HAOS 10.2
Any ideas?
(Rob Aldred)
November 17, 2023, 4:08pm
Did you get anywhere with this? I see exactly the same
I’m running HA 2023.11.3 HAOS 10.5
For me the graph only shows, 3.4 kW imported from the grid, but the flow diagram correctly shows 15.5 kW imported.
My statistics update every 5 minutes, so they’res an entry in the recorder every 5 minutes. It seems as though it’s taking the max individual value, rather a sum of all the values during the hour.
anyone get an answer about this, I got the same issue
(Rob Aldred)
March 5, 2024, 8:12pm
Don’t think were any closer to a solution. This issue on github has been largely ignored.
opened 01:02PM - 19 Jan 23 UTC
### The problem
When Importing Power Offpeak I only get import NOT related to w… hat is charging my battery which is wrong as it screws my import metrics for power bought from energy provider.

The Graph above should show 4.01kWh imported but instead shows just 0.52kWh which is my consumption - batteryImport.
Honestly I'm not 100% if this is the fault of the Meter or the way HA is parsing the data, I suspect that is it HA as the Meter cant tell who is using the power as far as i know.
I'll do some more digging but putting this up incase it rings a bell with anyone else.
A better visual display (imho) would be to invert the battery graphic so that if battery is charged from GRID then its a stacked graph (the way usage is stacked for battery/solar/grid) and if charged from SOLAR then its as it is currently.
It is possible this is a UI issue not a core one but again i'm not sure at this point.
### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
### What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
_No response_
### What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
### Integration causing the issue
_No response_
### Link to integration documentation on our website
_No response_
### Diagnostics information
_No response_
### Example YAML snippet
_No response_
### Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
_No response_
### Additional information
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