The energy graphs have names that do not correspond to what I expected: The “day” graph actually shows the hourly consumption, the “week” graph actually shows the daily consumption, the “month” graph actually shows the daily consumption over a month, and the “year” graph actually shows the monthly consumption!
In general, when reporting the energy consumed, the following is used:
Hourly consumption: describes the hourly consumption over the last 24 hours and is similar to the HA day graph except that it should show the last 24 hours and not the hours since the beginning of the day.
Daily consumption: describes the consumption day by day over the last 31 days and is similar to the week graph of HA except that the last 31 days should be shown and not the days since the beginning of the week.
Note at the top of the graph the nice dropdown menu to select the week directly (it displays a calendar where you peek the week) and the two arrows at the bottom to go to the previous/next week
- Weekly consumption: describes the consumption week by week over a certain period of time (for example over the last 12 weeks) that does not exist in HA.
- Monthly consumption: describes the consumption month by month over the last 12 months which is similar to the year graph in HA except that the last 12 months should be shown and not the months since the beginning of the year.
- Annual/Yearly consumption: describes the consumption year by year over a certain period of time (e.g. all years where data is available) and which does not exist in home assistant
Currently beyond the wrong naming convention the biggest problem is the period displayed: for me it does not make sense when you want to look at the dayly consomption that you only see one day because you are Monday! You have to wait Sunday few minutes before midnight to see an interestng graph!!!