Energy history state dashboard


Have many energy, water, gas, heat meters devices because manage property with many flats.

I see current state of each electricity meter in UoM kWh, gas also in kWh, heat in GJ but dashboard convert too to kWh, water hot and cold in m3.

My question is how display historical state of each meter? For example state that was two weeks ago, or at 1st day of some month, how show state of each meter from long-term energy data?

Energy dashboard show consumption (difference) in the period, I searching the same but showing value from the meter.


When you click on an entity and then show more, you get the historical state graph. There you can select a date and time and get the state of the entity.
For an on-dashboard option you need something like Apex Charts from HACS.

Thank you @JohnFLoki, yes this is true and use it already but I have total more than 50 devices and try search easier way how achieve it without repeating the same 50x, probably will need build some dashboard / use spacial card or maybe there is add-on already but I don’t know how build such report or not found add-on (or wrong search)…

Maybe you can achieve what you seek using one of these?

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I stumbled across this post and maybe the SQL sensor can to exactly what you need.