Hello I was wondering of how to measure the income of energy into my house!
I have actually a very basic Energy meter from my energy company which i can not automatize.
I was wondering if I buy a Circuit breaker which measures Power and send the info Wifi or Zigbee to HAS… would work?
Installing it directly after the incoming circuit breaker which comes from the Energy company,
and capture this as over all consumption of energy.
Could I use this as overall energy consumption from the grid?
Than later see the overall energy consumption and see with the other sensors my consumption on each appliance from this overall grid?
example :
over all income from grid 300 KWH /Month
fridge - 90 KWH/moth
TV Home system -30 KWH/month
Hello thanks for the quick replay
Yes I had read the Home assistant topic, but it does not show me a solution I could use here in \brazil that’s why i was thinking of a WIFI circuit braker with energy measurement, if i would connect this directly after the incoming energy it should show me my total energy consumption correct?
Could i add the circuit breaker to the Energy Grid tab?
Hello thaks for the infos] so my question is I cant get the emporia ,
But I liked the idea, so I was looking at the Shelly EM , but was wondering if i need for each energy I wnat to monitor i need and new Shelly EM or can i add different CT clamps and i can see different energy consumtions, explaining myself better…
Want to monitor:
the incoming energy Directly from the grid
the consumption of the kids air conditioning
consumption of main room air condition
bed room air conditioning
So if i could install one equipment like shelly and have different cT clamps in my main energy board this could help…
Emporia have 2 main CT and up to 16 secondary CT’s. and it’s easy to integrate to HA. I have both, Emporia in my Electrical Panel and ESP32 CT combination for some of my devices for Automation. You can use Emporia for Automation also, but in my case some of the devices have a share breaker (not dedicated).
CT stands for Current Transformer.
They hit the sweet spot of relatively cheap and pretty accurate and easily integrate into ESPHome. Obviously you need to be comfortable handling mains power.
Hello looking into these I like the idea , how easy is it to integrate into home assistant ,are they recognized automatically or do I have to do something ?